
Campus Brand Ambassadors

  • Job typeJob type: Onsite
  • Job DurationMore than 06 months
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • South Africa

Project detail


We are looking for brand ambassadors who can represent our platform at different universities. The individuals we seek need to be passionate about educating others and being of any assistance to students in helping them pass.

Some of the tasks in the gig will have an hour session of distributing flyers on university campuses encouraging students to join our revision platform and other sessions will be focused on talking to students about their experiences with the platform and gathering feedback in order to help us improve the offering. This gig is not once-off.

The main target market are first year students studying Mathematics, Commerce subjects (e.g. Economics, Marketing, and Accounting), Computer Science, and Engineering. You can take a look at the courses on offer although we are partnering with more content creators to increase the variety.

We are looking for ambassadors who embody and can effectively communicate IQmates’ value proposition, which you can glean from reading through our website, discussing with us, or reading the brochure attached to this gig.  Our platform has free courses with revision videos from our partners and others for R20 ($1) with over 20 000 practice questions students can use to test their understanding of course content.

Looking forward to working with you!


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Project Completion deadline

21 July 2024