Search & Find an IQmates Gig IQmates is hiring for gigs
We're on the lookout for students ready to dive into gigs that match their skills and passions. Embark on a journey with us, unlocking learning, growth, and hands-on experience.

See our categories of our gigs
Featured gigs

- Project budget: R250.00 (1 Hours)
- Duration: More than 06 months
- Project expiry:

- Project budget: R200.00 (1 Hours)
- Duration: More than 06 months
- Project expiry:

- Project budget: R150.00 (1 Hours)
- Duration: More than 06 months
- Project expiry:
How it works
If you are a student studying at university, we would like to partner with you through our IQmates Gigs. Here is an example:
Let us say you are studying to be a journalist and want to publish education-related content on our platform, earn some side lunch money, and grow your portfolio. You can apply for the Blog Articles gig. Once your proposal is accepted, every article you publish earns you R200. That is some good change for a skaftin while applying what you are learning, right!?
Depending on the gig, some earn you more and some earn you less.
Join Now & Start Earning
Explore IQmates Gigs for exciting projects to showcase your skills and expertise. Take on new challenges, and earn money while building your portfolio. Join now!